

Extracurricular programs are dependent upon the availability of school staff.

Anchored For Life (grades 4-8)

Anchored4Life a peer-to-peer program to connect military-dependent and civilian youth while building transition and resiliency skills.  Peers enhance each others’ social skills, learn leadership skills, build character, improve self-esteem, and integrate into their community.  Students are selected by their teachers to become leaders in the program.  For more information, visit:

Ambassador Program  (grades K-8)

The Sigsbee Ambassador Program is intended to welcome new students and ease their anxiety about transitioning to a new school by providing a welcoming friend to help them become comfortable.  On the new student's first day, a student ambassador from the classroom is assigned to the new student.  The ambassador welcomes the student in the office and escorts him/her to class.  During the student's first few days, the ambassador will answer questions for the student, sit with him/her at lunch and ensure the student has friends to play with at recess.  Ambassadors are trained by our Military Family Life Counselors.

Military Family Life Counselors (grades k-8)

Our three MFLC counselors provide short-term, situational, problem-solving counseling to Service Members and their families. They understand the impact of deployments, family reunions following deployments and other stresses related to military life. MFLC counselors can provide individual, couples, and family counseling.  MFLC counselors provide direct intervention to children, families, and teachers and caregivers who support military families. These services are confidential and private. MFLC Counselors are licensed counselors. successful in completing background checks. They maintain service and family member confidentiality and privacy and are trained in short- term counseling.

Second Step Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Program (gr K-8)

The Second Step Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Program gives students the tools to excel in and out of the classroom. Lessons focus on emotion management, situational awareness, and academic achievement.  Students learn invaluable skills that help them navigate their way through school as well as their community.  The program is taught in all classrooms at Sigsbee Charter School.


Sunshine Book Club

The Sunshine Book Club is for fourth and fifth-grade students who commit to reading 30 books from a prepared reading list. We meet weekly to discuss the books and prepare for an end-of-year celebration. Other Monroe County Schools participate with us and teams compete in a final quiz show style game to win the coveted "Sunshine Cup." Here is a copy of this year's list

Kayak Club

In this club, students develop fundamental kayaking skills, such as strokes, rescues, and maneuvers while exploring the beautiful canals that surround Sigsbee.  Students also learn the basics of navigation, weather and water safety, as well as marine science and ocean ecosystems.  Limited to 8th grade students only.

National Junior Honor Society 

 The purpose of the Sigsbee Charter School Chapter of the National Junior Honor Society shall be to create an enthusiasm for scholarship, to stimulate a desire to render service, to promote worthy leadership, and citizenship, and to encourage the development of character in students of Sigsbee Charter Middle School.

Reading Club

Students read and discuss different types of literature such as poetry, informational articles, songs, plays, and many more. The club reads literature, analyzes the elements of literature, and  uses critical thinking questions to drive discussion. 

Robotics Club

Students are afforded hands-on robotics experience in both large and small group settings. They are given the opportunity to enhance their understanding of physics, engineering, mechanics and programming.  Students learn how to use an engineering notebook to track progress and ideas. As a team of three or four, students use teamwork and creativity to develop a robot.

SAVE Promise Club

Students Against Violence Everywhere (SAVE) Promise Club is a student-led organization that encourages young people to take charge of keeping their friends, schools, and community safe. Youth leadership encourages positive peer influences through shared violence prevention efforts.


STEAM Club is a club geared towards science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics. Students with interests in these disciplines and who love to problem solve are encouraged to join. STEAM Club participants have an opportunity to refine their STEM Fair projects, construct and operate SeaPerch ROVs (remotely operated vehicles), and build a float that will represent Sigsbee in the Papio Kinetic Parade, an exciting Key West community event.

Student Council 

The mission of SSC is to promote the ideas of Service, Leadership, and Spirit.  Students have opportunities to serve in their school and community as leaders for positive change.  Students practice a democratic process and provide training which is essential to the achievement of full potential. 


This is a year-long club that will be responsible for creating and compiling the Sigsbee Charter School Yearbook and the 8th Grade Memory Book (in digital format).  Students will develop basic skills in yearbook layout, design, planning, photo editing, digital photography, advertising, and online yearbook publishing software.

Middle School Sports

All participants are required to have an updated sports physical prior to tryouts.  Physicals can be scheduled at the AHEC clinic.


The SCS basketball team competes against local middle school teams during winter.  Tryouts are announced in school and held in late fall.


The cheerleading squad performs during our basketball season.  Tryouts are announced and held in late fall.


The SCS soccer team competes against local middle school teams during fall.