Board of Directors

Board Meetings:  

Generally 2nd Wednesday of every month 8:30 AM 

Next Board Meeting: Wednesday, March 12,  2025 8:30 AM 

Live Meeting, Library Media Center

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Otherwise, to join by phone, dial (US) +1 802-449-2781 and enter this PIN: 915 065 948#

 Next HR Subcommittee Meeting: Wednesday, March 5th, 2024 11:00 AM

Join Google Meet: To join the video meeting, click this link: 

Otherwise, to join by phone, dial (US) +1 802-449-2781 and enter this PIN: 915 065 948#

Next Facilities Subcommittee Meeting: Wednesday, March 5th, 2024 8:30 AM

Live Meeting, Sigsbee Charter School

Join Google Meet: To join the video meeting, click this link: 

Otherwise, to join by phone, dial (US) +1 802-449-2781 and enter this PIN: 915 065 948#

The Board of Directors serves jointly as a School Advisory Council (SAC) for Sigsbee Charter School

Executive Board

President:  Bob Eadie, Monroe County Director of Health Services, Retired

Vice President:  Mr. Kevin Madok, Monroe County Clerk of Circuit Court

Secretary:  Lisa Morris, US Navy Commander, Retired

Treasurer: Mark Finigan, City of Key West Chief Financial Officer, Retired

Members at Large

Strategic Planning: Stephanie Griffiths  

Capital Planning: Steven McAlearney, City of Key West Port and Marina Services Director

Facilities: Greg Sullivan, Waste Management Senior District Manager

Advisors to the Board

Education: Eli Jannes, Principal

Parent Teacher Organization: Kelley Bushey, PTO President

Safety and Security: Patricia Thompson, FBI Special Agent, retired

Staff: Angela Hankins, SCS Instructional Coach

Military: Steve Smith, Naval Air Station Key West, Executive Officer

Finance:  Stephanie Bartley, SCS Finance Manager

Human Resources: Lisa Noss, SCS Office Manager

Legal: Michelle Maxwell, Esquire

Board Governance Policies and Procedures

Under well-established principles of non-profit corporation law, the Board shall direct, not manage, the school. Board members shall carry out the SCS mission, foster positive relationships with staff, the school community, as well as the Key West community and oversee the budget.  Each Board member will meet certain standards of conduct and attention in carrying out his or her responsibilities to the school. These standards are described as the duty of care, the duty of loyalty and the duty of obedience.

Duty of Care:  The duty of care describes the level of competence that is expected of a Board member and is commonly expressed as the duty of care that an ordinarily prudent person would exercise in a like position and under similar circumstances.  This means that the Board member owes the duty to exercise reasonable care when he or she makes a decision as a steward of the school.

Duty of Loyalty:  The duty of loyalty is a standard of faithfulness; a Board member will give undivided allegiance when making decisions affecting the school.  This means that a Board member can never use information obtained as a member for personal gain, but act in the best interests of the school.

Duty of Obedience:  The duty of obedience requires Board members to be faithful to the school’s mission.  They are not permitted to act in a way that is inconsistent with the central goals of the school.  A basis for this rule lies in the public’s trust that the school will manage donated finds to fulfill the school’s mission.

The SCS Board of Directors will have a firm belief that all children are entitled to an education that will be flexible and cognizant of their transient lifestyle and makes the most of the environment that surrounds them. Directors shall be fully committed to the charter school concept. 

The Board is responsible for determining the school's vision and mission and insures that the school effectively fulfills its mission and achieves its vision.  All programs, activities and expenditures are evaluated based upon the vision and mission.