Grading Policy (grades 4-8)
A (90 – 100) Outstanding progress (Outstanding work in the performance level at which the student is working)
B (80 – 89) Above average progress (Above average work in the performance level at which the student is working)
C (70 – 79) Average Progress (Average work in the performance level at which the student is working)
D (60 – 69) Lowest acceptable progress (Needs improvement in the work at the performance level at which the student is working)
F (59 – below) Failure (Below expectations for the current performance level)
All A Honor Roll and A/B Honor Roll awards are recognized quarterly. The honor roll is based on all course grades.
All A Honor Roll and A/B Honor Roll for the year are based on recognition in each of the four quarters.
Students are responsible for turning in all classwork and homework on time.
Points may be deducted for work that is turned in late.
Students who have an excused absence will be able to make up missed work at the rate of one day for each day missed, plus one extra day. Other arrangements may be made in exceptional situations.
Late work is not accepted for unexcused absences.
Students are responsible for contacting teachers to make up for missed work. Parents and students should know that some assignments require more time to review and assess and may take longer to grade.