Extracurricular Activities and Field Trips
Attendance Required for Extracurricular Participation
Students participating in any school-sponsored event must have attended school (not including in-school suspension) the day of the event; otherwise, they will be disallowed from participating in the extracurricular event. Additionally, students considered truant based on this policy manual may be disallowed from participating in any extracurricular activities sponsored by the School.
SCS activities, clubs, and events are designated for current SCS students only. Attendance is limited to students who are currently enrolled at SCS and who are following the rules of conduct set forth by SCS. Activities may be held separately for different age levels. The staff will make any modifications to the Dress Code for these events clear in advance.
Required Behavior
Participation in interscholastic, extracurricular activities and field trips is a privilege and not a right. Participation may be withheld from any student as a condition of discipline. Students and chaperones serve as representatives of our school any time they travel together in school-sponsored events. Anyone who jeopardizes the positive image of the school will not be allowed to participate in these special activities.
Students’ behavior in class and during special events will determine future participation. Students may be removed from a field trip or extracurricular activity based on poor behavior at any point, including the day of the trip or activity. A parent will be called to pick up the child from the event if a child misbehaves during the trip or activity.
Furthermore, all policies that apply to the regular school day also apply to extracurricular and field trip activities. Coaches, teachers, and sponsors may establish policies for their groups; however, any and all disciplinary action resulting from conduct at an extracurricular activity rests solely with the School.
SCS supports using clubs to allow students to gain extracurricular experience at school. Clubs will be advertised amongst the students and parents/legal guardians when available. All students participating in a School-sponsored club must have satisfactory academic standing, no behavioral concerns, and meet the club's expectations. Clubs must be sponsored and supervised by a school staff member.
Off-Campus Events
All trips shall be subject to prudent safety precautions and conducted according to the rules established by the School. Every effort will be made to schedule off-campus events without interrupting other school functions.
All trips off school property are approved by the Principal at least two weeks before the event occurs. Field trips must have an educational purpose to be approved. All trips are conducted under the supervision of a designated School employee, and additional chaperones may be necessary depending on the activity.
Parents/guardians must provide permission for their children to attend the activity at least 24 hours before the trip is scheduled to occur. The request for approval will be sent through a Google form and will include all locations the students will visit while on the trip, the details of transportation, and any other logistical issues the Principal requests. Students will follow the specific itinerary provided to the administration on the field trip request.
Behavioral Exclusion
If a student has demonstrated an inability to control their behavior in School:
The school reserves the right to require parents or guardians of some students to attend the field trip to supervise their child. In such cases, if a parent cannot attend, the student must remain at school.
If a student has received a referral or has demonstrated unsafe behavior, the student’s parent or guardian may be required to attend as a chaperone. If the student demonstrates disrespectful or unsafe behavior during the trip, the parent or guardian may be required to pick up the child from the location.
Class field trips are reserved for students who show responsibility during the school year and meet school expectations. Students who have been issued a suspension during the year may be disallowed from attending the end-of-the-year field trip.
Financial Limitations
Students will not be excluded from a field trip or extracurricular activity based on the inability to pay the accompanying fee. If a family cannot pay the accompanying fee, the student’s parent or legal guardian must contact the Principal (or designee) before the date the field trip permission slip is due back to school to make alternative arrangements. Alternative arrangements will be handled on a case-by-case basis.
Student Supervision
Students will be closely monitored and supervised while attending off-campus events. Each student will be directly assigned to a staff member or chaperone for the duration of the trip.
Chaperones for field trips must follow the volunteer guidelines and register with the School before attending the field trip. All chaperones will be given a detailed list of the students they are responsible for and emergency contact information to reach the School employee in charge.
Teachers identify the need for chaperones on particular trips.
Chaperones must stay with the group of children assigned to them at all times and may not bring other children with them.
Chaperones must read the teachers’ instructions before confirming their commitment.
Chaperones need to be punctual so that students are not waiting.
Chaperones must be able to participate in the entire event and will ride with students on public transportation.
Chaperones are not permitted to purchase food or gifts for students while on a field trip.
All students are expected to stay with their group and be transported with the class, regardless of whether their parent is a chaperone.
Chaperones will be granted volunteer time for serving in this role. They must sign in and out at the event.
Level 2 Clearance may be required for chaperones. Obtaining Level 2 Clearance is at the chaperone's expense.