Covid-19 Mitigation Policy (8/21)
939 Felton Road
Key West, FL 33040
The SCS Board of Directors met on August 9, 2022, in an emergency meeting to discuss mitigation measures to help control the spread of Covid-19 cases in our school community. The Board approved the implementation of the following protocol:
In response to the Notice of Emergency Rule from the Department of Education (Rule No: 6AER21-01) and with the rise of positive cases in our community, including children, the following policy has been adopted by the Sigsbee Charter School Board of Directors:
Masking Expectations
It is the expectation that all individuals on our campus will wear a mask or face covering at all times, when:
Indoors in the presence of other individuals
Outdoors when not able to maintain 6’ distance from others
Lunch and snack- Students will eat spaced apart as much as possible, in cohort groups, and outside whenever possible
To comply with the Florida Governor’s Executive Order Number 21-175, codified Sections 1014.02-1014.06, SCS will provide a mask/face covering opt-out consent form parents may fill out if they do not want their child to wear a mask while in the care of Sigsbee Charter School.
CLICK HERE to access the Opt-out Consent Form.
No child will be singled out for not wearing a mask.
Staff members are under a mask mandate when indoors in the presence of others and outdoors when unable to maintain 6' distance.
A limited supply of masks will be made available at the school office. (Donations are welcome)
Covid Protocols
Students and staff should not come to school with any symptoms of illness.
Students will remain in cohort groups as much as possible, with 3' distance between them whenever possible. (Note- our facility does not allow for 6' distance between students).
Cohort groups will have standard seating charts in each classroom. Cohort groups will cross over for particular classes when necessary (examples include but are not limited to: HS leveled classes, enrichment, electives in middle school)
Frequent hand washing and cleaning of surfaces will continue.
Access to school for those with “stay home” directive in place
Students and staff who have been exposed to or who contracted Covid-19 will be expected to stay home. In order to mitigate learning loss for students, the pupil attendance rule will be amended to count these days as an educational activity as long as students are engaged in education activities that are part of the student’s pre-approved program. Based on this new notice:
Teachers will post resources, activities and assignments in SeeSaw (K-2) and Google Classroom (3-8) for students who are quarantined or ill.
Core teachers in grades 3-8 will hold office hours via Zoom from 3:10-3:40 on days designated by subject when there are students who are in the Stay Home category. Students will be able to ask questions and receive help at this time.
Homeroom teachers in grades K-2 will designate a time when students can Zoom in to meet with the teacher. The timeframe will be assigned so that in-class instruction is not disrupted.
Elective teachers and specialists will not have office hours or Zoom sessions. Parents/children may email them to ask questions or request activities.
There will be no livestreaming or virtual direct instruction at this time.
Zoom sessions are for students quarantined and/or ill. Students who are out of school with an unexcused absence will not be able to participate in these sessions.
Thank you for working together to keep our children safe and in school
Eli Jannes
Principal, Sigsbee Charter School
939 Felton Road, Key West, FL 33040