Caregiver Conferences


CONFERENCES: Formal Parent/Teacher Conferences will occur twice/year in kindergarten through second grades, typically in October and April. Attendance at these conferences is mandatory as they will provide a great deal of insight into your child’s learning profile. Teachers will also be available for additional conferences when necessary and/or requested. It is the parent’s responsibility to sign up for a conference during the allotted days.

In third through eighth grade, parent conferences are available upon request by either the instructional team or the family. Families will receive quarterly report cards in Focus to monitor student progress and achievement. 

In grades three through eight, conferences are required if a student is performing below grade level and receiving Tier 2 and/or Tier 3 interventions. At least one conference/semester should be held. Additionally, teachers will provide quarterly progress monitoring updates for any third-grade student in jeopardy of mandatory retention based on progress monitoring results.

Parents should sign in when arriving for a conference so that volunteer credit may be awarded.