(Children Learn What They Live)
The SCS Code of Conduct is a shared vision between parents, students, and staff based on the Discipline with Dignity approach, created by Richard L. Curwin and Allen N. Mendler (1998), and a system of Restorative Justice. Discipline with Dignity is a philosophy and attitude focused on teaching individuals to make responsible choices and helping them learn from the outcomes of their actions. In this model, discipline is based on logical consequences. The cornerstone of the SCS Code of Conduct is that everyone in our school environment will treat each other with respect and dignity at all times.
The principles that guide the behavior plan are as follows:
1. Dealing with student behavior is a shared responsibility. Lessons about behavior, communication, and getting along with others are worthwhile time expenditures and make a lasting impression. At the beginning of the year, the school community will spend ample time developing guidelines, discussing expectations, and identifying structures and routines. Parents will reinforce and support these expectations, and all students must agree to and abide by these rules.
2. The goal of the Code of Conduct is long-term behavioral change, not quick fixes. Changes in thinking and behavior take time. This approach aims to have students move toward acting responsibly rather than obediently.
3. Discipline works best when integrated with effective teaching and modeling. When the curriculum is relevant and engaging, behavior problems decrease. When instruction matches students’ level of ability, students are less frustrated and make wiser choices. When adults model appropriate behavior, students understand how to act.
4. Rules must make sense. Logical consequences should directly relate to the broken rule, though the consequences do not have to be the same each time. Students can be treated fairly even when they are not treated the same.
5. All stakeholders should be a model of what is expected. At SCS, staff members, parents, Board Members, and students maintain a positive, nurturing demeanor and model appropriate behavior at all times.
All Stakeholders
Address problems and concerns directly with an individual
Listen to what others have to say
Always treat others with respect and dignity
Follow guidelines to keep our community safe
Work together toward long-term change
Proactively engage in the behavior process
Maintain a culture of empathy and responsibility using restorative justice.
Stop using ineffective strategies
Avoid power struggles
Are proactive and timely when giving input
Show appreciation for one another by treating each other with courtesy
Focus on positive action and conflict resolution rather than on accusation or finger-pointing.
Teachers: make learning meaningful and interesting; build relationships with families; create a safe and caring community of learners; teach and support conflict resolution skills.
Students: preserve the integrity of the learning environment for themselves and others; are responsive and engaged in the learning; take responsibility for their actions; learn and apply conflict resolution skills.
Parents/Guardians: support learning and avoid interruptions during instructional time; are present in their child's learning and available to staff; support the school in developing student responsibility; teach and support conflict resolution skills
As a result, students learn...
1. I cause my own outcomes
2. I have more than one alternative behavior in a situation
3. I have the power to choose the best alternative
4. I am part of a caring community that respects me as an individual, even when I make a mistake
5. Mutual respect leads to positive action
6. Guidelines created collaboratively in the classroom and at home are transferable to real-world situations
7. The adults around me work together to bring out my best.
Behavioral Expectations
Students are expected to behave in a manner required in the Student Code of Conduct while under the responsibility of school staff. This includes during School hours, after-school activities, or any activity in which school staff members are responsible for the students.
Specific SCS behavior expectations can be found by clicking HERE
Conflict Resolution Policy
SCS educates all students, regardless of race, sex, religion, nationality, or ethnic background, and helps them to reach their fullest potential intellectually, socially, and physically.
Conflict and grievance resolution begins with the persons directly involved. If resolution cannot be achieved by and between students, or by and between adults, then a designated school staff member shall become involved up to and including conflict resolution meetings and agreements. No student or staff member will be discriminated against, harassed, intimidated, or suffer any reprimand due to filing a grievance or participating in the investigation and resolving grievances. Each conflict or grievance will be heard and resolved as quickly as possible. This policy excludes physical harm, vandalism, or potentially illegal behavior.
Steps for Resolution Between Individuals
Any complaints or grievances must be particularly described by the person with the grievance so the School can accurately and promptly respond and investigate any grievance.
The person against whom a grievance is filed shall be notified that a grievance has been filed against them and shall be given the full details and allegations against them.
A designated staff member or the Principal shall meet with the person the grievance is filed against and the complainant, separately, to determine (1) whether the grievance has merit and (2) whether any remedial actions can be taken to rectify the complainant's allegations. If the above procedures have been completed and the situation is not resolved, the issue should be brought to a staff member at the School to set up a mediation or other verdicts as determined by School leadership.
Removal of Students from Class
A student’s behavior may require that he or she be removed from a class to ensure the continued academic growth of other students or the health, safety, or welfare of everyone involved. Should a situation arise that a student requires removal from class, the student may be issued a 10–15-minute temporary removal. The student will be placed in the school counselor’s office until they can return to class safely and cooperatively. If necessary, the student may meet with the Principal, Behavior Specialist, or Counselor to discuss the concern and ways of remedying the situation. If necessary, staff may meet with other involved or uninvolved students and/or the teacher(s) to identify ways to rectify the situation. Parents will receive notification by either a telephone call and/or in writing if a child is removed from class for serious or repetitive behavioral concerns.
Communication of Behavior
Students who require consistent behavioral interventions will be referred to the behavior specialist. A formal intervention plan will be created and shared with the parent before implementation with the student.
At the beginning of the year, students will be instructed on the procedural implementations of the behavior policies. At Back to School Night, caregivers will receive written information regarding the grade-level expectations and procedures.