

Admission of Students

SCS is a public charter school, and as such, it complies with all applicable requirements of state and Federal law, unless specifically exempted in Section 1002.33(16), Florida Statutes, and its Charters. Federal Law may also apply if the School receives federal grant funds. As such, it must admit all students based on availability through the lottery process described below.

Student Selection Procedures

As per Section1002.33, Florida Statutes a lottery will be conducted at each grade level to select students for enrollment when the number of applications exceeds capacity. All lotteries will be conducted in a manner that ensures each eligible student receives an equal chance of being selected. Each individual charter school will hold independent lotteries for student selection. Applicants will be randomly selected until all applications have been addressed or placed on a waiting list. In order of selection (with consideration of any applicable preference), applicants will be offered admission until all seats have been filled. The remaining students’ names will be placed on an ordered waiting list in which their name was selected.

Enrollment Deadlines

The Principal shall develop an enrollment schedule each year to establish the enrollment deadlines. The initial student selection lottery will be conducted in the summer before the school year opens. The initial enrollment window must be at least 60 days and advertised on the School’s website and through other methods allowed for within the Corporate Budget.

After the initial enrollment period, the waitlist will be used to fill any open seats. The deadlines and process will be clearly explained on the School’s website.


Consistent with this Policy, and state and federal statutes, the Organization will not discriminate against any student based on race, color, religion, gender, age, national or ethnic origin, marital status, disability or handicap, sexual orientation, or any other legally protected class. All students who are eligible to apply shall be included in the student selection lottery and have an equal chance of being selected.

Publication of the enrollment process will include a non-discrimination statement.

Student Preferences

The following students will be given priority in the admission process under Section 1002.33(10), Florida Statutes:

Selection Process

The Governing Board will determine the selection process annually and ensure transparency of the Selection Process. On the dates specified within the enrollment schedule, the School shall abide by the following selection process:

All applicants will be placed into the lottery

All completed applications received within the enrollment period up until the enrollment deadline will be included in the lottery.

Determine Openings

Per direction from the Governing Board, the Principal will determine the number of openings within the lottery process. The number of openings will be determined based on the contractual limits of the Charter Contract, facility limits, and enrollment limits.

Determine Students with Allowed Preferences

Students who will be granted preference in the lottery process, as described above, shall be identified, accompanied by a specific reason for each student being offered preference.

Select Students by Grade Level

The Organization shall use a system that conducts a lottery within the following parameters as determined annually by the Governing Board.

First, students who are allowed preference will be selected and rank-ordered, followed by the remaining students at that grade level, who will be added to the rank-ordered list. The top number of students on the rank-ordered list equal to the number of openings will be offered a position at the School. All remaining students will be added to the waiting list in the order selected.

This process will be repeated for each grade level until all student applications have been filed and selected for admission to the School.

Out-Of-County Open Enrollment Stipulation

Students who reside outside the limits of the School district in which the School is located may still apply for enrollment at the School. If such applications are received, they will not be placed in the lottery process until all in-county students have been placed to comply with Section 1 Florida Statutes 1002.31(2)e.  Active Duty Service members can register their dependents prior to their arrival in Monroe County.

Parent Notification

After the lottery, the Principal shall ensure that the parents or legal guardians of the students being offered positions are properly notified. In addition, the parents or legal guardians of students who are placed on the waiting list will also be notified. All parents are notified via email within 24 hours of the lottery event.

Parent Acceptance

Once parents receive notification that the student is being offered a position at the School following the student selection lottery, parents will be given a deadline of one (1) week from the date of notification to respond to the School to confirm or decline the position at the School.

Maintenance of the Waiting List

If more students apply to the School than openings are available, the remaining students will be added to the waiting list in the rank order selected in the lottery process. The school shall maintain the waiting list, and any time an opening becomes available, the School shall contact the next student on the waiting list to offer a position at the School to the parents or legal guardian of the student.

Late Entries

Some assignments or testing essential to completing the required State Standards may be required. Teachers will give students until the end of the current term to complete assignments. Students who enroll in the organization after the start of a term will receive directives from teachers and administrators to determine what additional work, if any, needs to be completed.


Students who choose to leave the School will be assisted in transitioning to their new school following Florida law. The Organization reserves the right to contact the student’s future placement to ensure compliance with compulsory attendance laws. Students who withdraw from Sigsbee Charter School to enroll in another Monroe County School District or local private school shall be placed at the bottom of the waiting list should they choose to return to SCS during the same year.