Honor Code

Monroe County School District 

Honor Code

Each student in the Monroe County School District is expected to uphold high standards of honesty and integrity.

Mission Statement – Monroe County School District is committed to the education of students.

Students of the Monroe County School District are expected to commit to their studies by upholding

integrity and ethical conduct to build trust and have respect for their person. Monroe County School

District Honor Code helps to nurture an academic community in which a code of values is expected. All students and staff members of the Monroe County School District are expected to uphold the highest standards of academic integrity.

Academic Dishonesty – Academic dishonesty may include but is not limited to the following:

collaboration during testing, obtaining and distributing testing materials or giving and/or

receiving information pertaining to a test before, during, or after the test.

the proper credit or citation.

including textbooks, books, computer hardware, or software.

violation of the Honor Code.

Academic dishonesty can take place on a test, quiz, essay, term paper, lab report, or any form of

creative expression.

Consequences of Honor Code Infractions – Violation of the Honor Code may result in a zero for the test, assignment, or project, and parental notification of the violation. The school administrator will meet with the student to make the final determination regarding the upholding of the Honor Code.

I have read and understand the conditions of the Monroe County School District Honor Code.